Right Head

Caring and professional treatment by expert physiotherapists

Call us today: 9848 9800 or BOOK AN APPOINTMENT >>

280 High Street, Kew Vic 3101

Patient Info: Policies

Late Cancellation & Failure To Attend Policy

This clinic has a 24 hour notice cancellation policy. 

We understand that “life happens”…

Your boss asks you to stay back later at work, the baby-sitter lets you down, you write down the incorrect date or time, you’re running late and miss your appointment, you’re too tired, or you may simply forget- it happens, we’re human! Our feelings won’t be hurt if you miss your appointment, we get it, however what we can’t do is continue to pay for everybody’s “life happens” out of our pockets every time.


We have had a Cancellation Policy ever since opening in 2005. In this time, we have been very soft and only charged the worst repeat offenders. This means this money comes directly out of own pockets- we get a pay cut each time a patient doesn’t turn up! In the past many patients have unfortunately abused this policy and we have been much too lenient with enforcing it, leading to the loss of many tens of thousands of dollars each year. To a small business, this is a massive and unfair loss, a loss we can no longer sustain- especially in these very difficult times post-pandemic.

By making an appointment with us, you agree to turn up to your appointment on time or pay a cancellation fee for the time your physiotherapist has allocated to you. We charge you for our time- time that we set aside for you and you only! If you do not turn up- we simply do not get paid. Aside from this, you miss out on timely treatment which will affect your recovery outcome. For those of you who already attend here, you know our Principal Physiotherapists have over 25 years of expertise and a long waitlist- which makes late cancellations and non-attendance even worse as it prevents somebody in desperate need from having beneficial treatment.

While 48 hours is preferable, we require a minimum of 24 hours notice for appointment cancellation or making changes to your appointment time. This must be done via telephone or in person during clinic business hours only. We do not accept email or text for this and SMS is no reply. If you have a morning appointment, please call the day before. If you have a Monday appointment, changes must be made the previous Friday.

Please do not rely on SMS reminders- they are a complimentary service we offer only and the technology is not foolproof. You are responsible for remembering your appointment. Please keep a written record of your appointment time and also read your complimentary text reminders to confirm the correct appointment time.

We do not like to charge cancellation fees and we prefer to spend our time giving our patients the best care possible, so please don’t let this be you!

Thank you for your understanding and co-operation.

Dynamic Health Physiotherapy Team.



TAC & Workcover patients Workcover/TAC Payment Policy

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