Head in a spin? We treat Vertigo!

Head in a spin? We treat Vertigo!

Physiotherapy for vertigo

It’s not just the name of a bad U2 song! Vertigo is real and it can send your world into a spin! We’ve seen a few whopper cases recently, so we thought it would be a timely reminder to let everybody know that, yes, our Physiotherapists treat Vertigo and are able to come to the rescue!

Vertigo is usually the result of an inner ear problem. The most common kind is Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV), which occurs when tiny calcium particles get lodged in the part of your inner ear that controls balance. This affects the messages sent from your ear to your brain and can cause mayhem in the form of feeling like you’re spinning or swaying, dizziness, loss of balance, nausea, headache, ringing in the ears, sweating, and other lovely symptoms. Other causes of Vertigo can be a bit more complicated and are associated with other medical conditions.

As Physiotherapists, we can help in the form of vestibular rehabilitation with a combination of gentle head and neck movements to help dislodge the calcium crystals, gentle exercises, and manual therapy.

Call us on 9848 9800 if you need rescue!

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